we had a fabulous day off on Monday. We started the day off taking Isabella to the dr. She had an ear infection...poor baby. But afterwards, we took the kids to the park. They had a blast. It was almost 70 degrees that day.
Isabella made a funny face on this one:
Abigail (the camera hog) loves to pose for pics:
The only picture elijah wanted to pose for was this one:
here are two cute ones:
of course the next day it turned out to be this cold:
Goodness me...it has been a long time. We have been so busy..(imagine that). Christmas was a wirlwind of activities. Non-stop family stuff. It was so busy that I was unable to visit with my two friends that I had planned on. :( One thing we went to see while in Tennessee was "Grinch In Ice." It was so much fun. I will include a few pics to show just how cute it was. The kids enjoyed their christmas, even isabella. She was so cute, as soon as she learned how to open presents she was trying to open them all--even the ones that were not hers--too cute.
this is an awesome pic of the grinch. he was huge...and solid ice!!
Everything was ice EXCEPT the trees...have no idea why...but it was awesome.
they were literally sitting on a block of ice!
of course we all went down the slide..it was great!!
this last part took me by surprise. they had the nativity scene all in ice! it was beautiful. and yes that is elijah trying to climb the nativity scene...they look down on things like that. hahaha.
I have never really thought about what I would say about myself. The only thing I can think of is that I am one tired mother of 3,and wife of one (who can take more than that?). However, I could not be more blessed!