Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I've been nominated....

FINALLY! I have been nominated for something. I've mentioned before that Abigail's school is implementing this new "robust vocabulary." Last night, Mike was helping Abigail learn her new words for the week. One of her words was "nominated." Mike went on to tell her the meaning of the word. After about a minute, Abigail responds with this statement, "Daddy, I nominate mommy to get a job." My response is a quote from the wicked witch of the west "All in due time my dear, all in due time." I am set to graduate December of 2010. Which seems like a long time from now, but I start my methods courses next fall. That will keep me extremely busy. So just start praying for me now!


RichFam said...

Ha ha. Very cute.

As moms, we know how quickly two years can go by! It will be here before you know it! :o)

RichFam said...

By the way...

what is Abigail thinking with that nomination anyway??? Does she think you just sit around the house all day long?

Ha ha. Kids.

They think the food magically appears on the table, their clothes magically clean themselves and get neatly put away in their drawers, the bathrooms magically stay clean and sanitary, etc.

Next time, tell her you already have a job... one that doesn't pay very well, and that if she would like her favorite outfit washed next time, tips would be greatly appreciated.
Ha ha. :o)

SouthAsiaRocks said...

She cracks me up!
2010 will be here fast!

The growing Adkinson family said...

too funny. Kids always have something funny to say huh? Goo dluck with your methods course. I will pray for you. :)