Yes, this is my now 8 year old daughter. This whole weekend has been one big whirlwind of activities. It started out with a party for Abigail Friday night. Her birthday is on the 7th, but her party was Friday night. We had 4 extra children sleep over that night...and let's just say it will be a long time before that happens again!!! hahahaha. Then one of the young boys pictured in the above picture has the same birthday as Abigail. They are 50 minutes apart (abigail is the older one:) ) He had a party on Saturday. Saturday night Mike and I had a sunday school party for our class. Sunday, the children's department had their annual choir concert/play performance. Then Monday we had the annual Christmas parade that our children were a part of. To top it off, I have had to juggle finals around this whole thing. I am one tired person!!! Hope you enjoy the pics.
11 years ago
How fun! Happy Birthday, Abby!
Rebekah is counting down to the day she will be 8. Every single morning, she goes to the calendar and counts how many more days til her birthday.
For some crazy reason (that has her daddy in a complete panic), she also says that when she turns 8, she will almost be ready to wear a BRA like mom!!! HA HA HA HA HA!
Poor Jay.
happy birthday abby. u guys sound like us except we dont have finals thank goodness. dont u just love christmas?
8....let the drama continue! happy birthday!
yay! How fun! Great pics!! How did your exams go?? :)
looks like fun. well, except for the sleepover part. :) she looks so grown up!
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