Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Nine years......

Today Mike and I have been married for nine years. Wow, that just seems like a long time. However, the years have really flown by. We have had nine years of laughter, arguements, diapers, bottles, tears, prayers, (lots of prayers), and I would not trade a moment of it. Though our life is quite busy with three children, our church, the kids school, and my school, it is just "another day in paradise." I have been reminded of this lately because of the close family and friends who are going through trials at this time. I am reminded daily that I am so unworthy of the blessings that God has given me. I am just thankful for each and everyday that God allows me to spend in "paradise." Is it always easy??? Heavens No!!! It is a lot of work keeping up "paradise," but the end result is worth the trouble. I hope to have many more days with my family. I do not know what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future. Thankfully, it is NOT me! hahahaha.


Scott said...

Wow, nine years! Way to go guys! The kids look awesome, I'm glad they take after you Misty! and I read where Kaylee has a little one. I suddenlly feel old! Take care guys!

Bronie said...

congratulations! i can't wait to meet isabella. we just need to get everyone (including the mama) well at the same time! :)

Bronie said...

ok, so the congratulations sounded like it was for isabella. i meant on nine years. my mind is faster (or way slower) than my typing.

Misty Burns said...

hey scott, good to hear from you! i have been reading your blog i am happy for u!

kirsten said...

9 years, you kiddos. that's so cute. by the way, is that gray in mike's hair? just wondering....